Saturday, February 9, 2008

Us vs. Them...

There is currently a battle that is raging on between a group of BMXers and fixed gear riders that was sparked by this video...

I have to say that I am completely baffled by the conflict that is generated by guys doing nothing more than messing around on bikes and having fun. I have three thoughts on this whole situation...

1) People take doing tricks on bikes MUCH more seriously than I realized, or could have ever imagined.

2) This is, perhaps, a direct result of the massive corporatization of BMX, skateboarding, and the like. The idea that what you're doing (or more importantly, what you're buying) "rulez" and everything else "sux" is exactly what the corporate stooges who are milking "X-treme sports" for all they're worth feed off of. Always remember kids, LOYALTIES = ROYALTIES, and not for you, trust me on that.

3) The internet, which many believed would bring the people of the world closer together because they could communicate with each other much more freely and easily, is probably doing more to tear this planet apart than anything else in the history of mankind. The amount of ridiculous posturing, absurd threats, and pure, unadulterated loathing that can be instantly generated via the internet between two groups of people based on something as utterly trivial as someone riding a bike honestly scares the living shit out of me.

I guess that's all I have to say about this subject. Now back to goofing around and having fun.


trevor said...

i say forget all that stupid shit. just have fun doing what youre doing. bmx, skateboard fixed gear. who cares seriously? petty back and forths over whos having the most fun? that shits lame city. anyways. keep up the good work and keep having fun.

Burd said...

Agreed, and we will ;)